
To make change in a complex system and get the desired result, we need to take in the whole picture to understand both what we can do now to have an impact, as well as tackle underlying drivers to change the status quo.  I take a systems approach to problems and employ my analytical skills and scientific training alongside my policy experience working in multi-stakeholder environments to map and implement strategies for projects, initiatives, or whole programs. Going beyond strategies that look good on paper and don’t work in practice, I focus on identifying clear relationships between actions, outcomes, and goals and incorporate scenario planning so that strategies are built to shift as new information, opportunities, or challenges come into play and implementation evolves.


An advisor must leverage their own expertise while aligning their vision and goals with the vision, goals, resources, and culture of their client to provide valuable and actionable insight.  I have professional experience as a federal policymaker, an international NGO advocate working with governments, civil society, and the private sector, and as a donor evaluating philanthropic investments to drive change.  I rely on my subject matter expertise, as well as my experience in diverse roles within this climate and environment sector. I provide expert perspective and insight on opportunities and challenges to both experienced and newcomer organizations and individuals in this complex and burgeoning field.


Partnerships & Stakeholder Engagement

I lead collaborative engagement with diverse government and non-government stakeholders including environmental organizations and philanthropies, Indigenous and local community organizations, and private companies and trade organizations. Over my 15 years of professional policy experience working across this spectrum of stakeholders, I’ve honed skills for effective: stakeholder outreach and education; tailored information synthesis, presentation; audience-targeted narrative and technical writing; technical capacity building; coalition development and management; formal and informal partnership agreements; and relationship management.

Policy Analysis

From analyzing legislative proposals to breaking down the technical and political implications of a policy approach – the integration of relevant expertise with honed research and analytical skills is critical to effective policy design and advocacy. When I design policy proposals and advocate for policymaking, I leverage my years of policy and political expertise, policymaker engagement and campaign experience, as well as my analytical ability and emotional intelligence. My core areas of policy expertise include environment and climate change, emissions mitigation and removals, land use change, forests and ecosystem services, carbon markets and emissions trading systems, conservation and sustainable development, REDD+ policy architecture, and international trade agreements.


Project Management & Implementation

From project planning and implementation to funding strategy and grant writing – I use my technical background and experience across government to non-profit advocacy to philanthropy and business to develop, plan, or implement projects at every stage. From the big picture strategic to the granular get-it-done level, I am not only a strategic advisor, but also an implementor and highly accomplished do-er. I support project planning and execution where the rubber needs to meet the road. Examples include capacity building workshops, decision-maker education and government relations, issue-focused educational campaigns and missions, communications support, convening and facilitation, grant planning and writing, and project management and oversight. 

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